Category: Uncategorized

Code Switching

This past week as a part of #DoTheWork you were asked to read and reflect on code switching. How would you explain code switching to someone who has never heard of the term before? After completing #DoTheWork Day 18: Code Switching, have you noticed yourself or the people around you code switching? If yes, please…
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October 16, 2020 76

Committing to Civic Engagement

One of the Bonner common commitments is Civic Engagement, defined as “when we participate intentionally as a citizen in the democratic process, actively engaging in public policy and social action.” Reflect on how you are seeing civic engagement in your own life, on campus, and in the news. This can include but is not limited…
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October 2, 2020 50


This past week as a part of #DoTheWork you were asked to watch a video, read, and reflect on Day 12: Racism in the Courtroom. To your understanding, what is mass incarceration? How, if at all, has mass incarceration disproportionally impacted people of color? Based on what you have learned from the resources, how do…
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September 16, 2020 77

Using Harm Reduction Techniques

At the 2/19 Bonner Meeting we focused on Harm Reduction. Respond to each of the questions below based on the seminar. What is one thing you learned in our Harm Reduction training? How can these techniques be transferred to other parts of your life (at your site, role on campus, future professional career, etc.)? What…
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February 17, 2020 62

Bonners Working Together To Make a Difference

Often times Bonners are asked to combine talents and work with others at their site to make a task or project happen. Depending on how you prefer to work, this can make things easier or really push you out of your comfort zone, but working in a team setting is an essential skill to have.…
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October 8, 2019 55

Bonners are Leaders

Who is someone at your Site that has helped you grow to be a leader? How did that person help you? What ways does this person help you keep yourself accountable at your site?

February 18, 2019 52

Helping Area Nonprofits SHINE

As I approach my last semester with the Center for Academic Community Engagement and more specifically with the NExT program I have grown as a person professionally thanks to this program. The year and a half that I have been working with NExT and the community partners has been something I will be able to…
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July 5, 2018 0